Our cars for the Science Challenge
Article written by the CM1A class of Miss Laure :
In class…
In the frame of the science Challenge launched at the beginning of the year, we decided to build rubber band.propelled cars First of all, everyone of us filled in a technical sheet : drawing, explanations and a list of the materials needed. Then we collected the materials. Thereafter, each group assembled the different parts of its car with the glue gun. We made sure we used as many biodegradable materials as possible: wood, cardboard and recycled materials.
The teams decorated their car in their own way. They also named their creations.
On the day of competition…
On Thursday 25th August, in the sports hall, all participants presented their cars.
There were cars powered with different systems: rubber band, water, air, soda,…
The jury was made up of students from the final year of secondary school.
The awards ceremony
The award ceremony took place on the next monday and seven prizes were awarded:
- the fastest cars: Iris and Regina
- the cars with the longest run : Elisabeth and Joy / Maëlys
- the most beautiful car : Cataleya /Cheyenne
- the most ecological car: Maïsha
- the most original car : Kim Linh
Congratulations !
Les CM1A